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Home  /  Blog  /  Properly equipped for your training: the right socks.
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4th February 2022

Properly equipped for your training: the right socks.

Is your resolution to be more active in the New Year just a distant memory? Or you are already enjoying the benefits of your effort? You may be all geared up for your chosen activity but here some tips in case you are still looking for the correct equipment.

Of course, you want to choose what to wear and use according to your taste. The choice is immense but sometime looking good is not the most important thing to consider. Sports beginners should spare no effort with the following four items because a mistake could spoil the fun, or even worse – negatively affect your health.

We are going to talk about: Training Shoes, SocksUnderwear, Bra

Socks: they don’t have to be the most expensive

In recent years, the range of socks in sports shops has grown considerably. While cotton models once prevailed regardless of the sport, today there are trekking, running, cycling or cross-country skiing socks. They come in various heights, with different material compositions, opposite knitting directions or compression properties. And of course the price range has grown with the range.

But if you need sports socks for strength training at home, you don’t necessarily have to dig deep into your pocket. The sports models of the cheap lines from retailers are also sufficient for this. The only thing to note is that the material is breathable and remove sweat away from the skin.

Socks or bacteria

Many do without socks even during the cold season, especially when doing sports at home or in the fitness centre. However, this is not a good idea – even if it makes your feet feel cooler. A study    has shown that there are up to three times more bacteria in shoes when worn barefoot – regardless of the shoe’s material. In addition, the inner seams of the sports shoes rub on the skin, which can lead to pain within a short time.

Consequently, the more the athlete demands of their feet, the more carefully they should dress them. Anyone who exercises for longer periods of time – whether on touring skis, cross-country skis or on foot – should consider, for example, that the right sock height is also a gender issue. 

Reason for it? The insertion of the calf muscles to the heel are lower in women than in men. Athletes should therefore opt for models that do not compress or even constrict their muscles. In addition, socks designed specifically for women have a narrower cut, since women’s feet are usually more delicate. 

You can read here  what you should look out for when buying socks and how best to look after the technically highly developed models.

Need more advice or if you think you are suffering of a running injury, please check these articles for some useful tips.

In the next blog we are going to talk about sport underwear.

Here you can find some advice about sport shoes.

Published on: 4th February 2022