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Children’s Sports Physiotherapy

Children’s bodies are still developing, and they are more prone to injury than adults. But children are not mini adults. Their bodies and injuries need to be dealt in a different way.

Injuries are part and parcel of a healthy active upbringing – the mixture of sports, recreational activities and general slips, trips and falls increase the probability of your child experiencing some form of injury or growth related pain.

There is good news though; children heal faster, especially with correct management.

Here at Swiss Physio, we treat a variety of paediatric conditions. We have listed a few of the more common ones below.

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What does a paediatric physio treatment look like?

Like any other physiotherapy patient, we begin with an assessment, creating a picture of the child’s level of activity, particular routines, past medical history and any details regarding previous injuries or accidents.

Once we have an idea of their pain, we will assess active and passive movement, based observations and tests. 

We will then discussed our diagnosis with the child and the parents and set common goals, Then we will provide a fun and engaging rehabilitation program to encourage compliance.

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Our team and experience

Here at Swiss Physio, we have experience working with children in the elite football environment having managed the sports medicine and medical department of a professional football team and created pre-habilitation programs to prevent injuries.

This chapter not only offered experience working with paediatrics port conditions and injuries, it also opened me up to the biomechanics and development stages of a child through to adolescents and the importance of exposure to as many different sports (movement patterns) to enhance their growth through their most important young years.

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