Blog Quizzes 9th January 2023 The Swissphysio New Year’s Quiz pt.2 Ready for part 2? Question 1: What can you do to help save the bees?*Plant more native flowering plantsStop using harmful pesticidesBoth help 🙂Question 2: What is the national fruit of England?*StrawberryPlumAppleQuestion 3: What will SWISSPHYSIO celebrate this year?*Coronation of King Charles III20th anniversaryThe team's first London marathonQuestion 4: What can a massage help with?*Muscle stiffness, headaches, regeneration, swelling, constipationMuscle strain, dandruff, swelling, bad breathHeadache, ingrown toe nail, fever, eczemaQuestion 5: What techniques can you expect to be used in a treatment with Angela?*Therapeutic exercises, sport rehab, kinesio tapingBack & joint manipulation, dry needling, running analysisShockwave therapy, computerised back scan, IASTMAll the aboveYour name Your name Your email* Security Published on: 9th January 2023 Tags: quiz Previous postThe Swissphysio New Year’s Quiz pt.1Next postThe Swissphysio New Year’s quiz pt.3 Blog