3rd January 2018Have a Stroll After Turkey to Combat Diabetes
Type II Diabetes in on the increase in the UK and it is important for sufferers to stay active. This is equally relevant for those at high risk of developing diabetes.
With the festive times just around the corner it is even more difficult to keep a good regime.
But there is something simple that everybody can do to keep the sugar level more under control and you can start right now…
A study revealed that short, intermittent bouts of post meal walking appears to be an effective way to reduce glucose levels.
In an era where the daily walk is not so common anymore and the intake of calories is very high this is a top bit of advice. The short, regular walk showed more effective in controlling blood sugar levels than a one off longer bout of exercise.
Researcher Di Pietro said, “You have to do it every day” to get the benefits and “It’s not a prescription for fitness, but simply to reduce diabetes risk.”
Just wrap up yourself warmly and wear comfortable shoes and go around the block after your evening meal Just 15 minutes of walking instead of sitting in front of the TV will help your metabolism. And while you are there why not try to take some deep breaths to oxygenate you further to help you get rid of the stress you accumulated in the office?
Start today, no need to wait for Christmas or for the New Year resolutions.
You will soon realise that your sleep has improved, no more heavy bloating after supper and you will feel better in the morning.
So enjoy your Christmas meal with all the trimmings but get strolling after every meal!
Published on: 3rd January 2018