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Swiss Ladies

Who is this for:

Despite the name, this service is meant for all the people who struggle with pain in joints, lower back and neck related to excessive flexibility of their tissues (hypermobility) as well as other causes.
Flexibility generally speaking is something that we aim to achieve and maintain especially if we leave a sedentary life or we want to support our sporting activities. Too much flexibility (being “double jointed”) though can lead to an overload of joints due to excessive and poor control of movements during weight bearing.
  • Hypermobility: 
    Hypermobility can be congenital and present in various degrees. But there are situations in life especially of the youngsters and the women when the body changes and become more flexible.

  • Pre/ovulation

  • Pregnancy

  • Hormone therapy

  • Menopause
    To support or counteract this excess of mobility we will teach you how to activate muscles to stabilise core and joints. Gradually you will build up the general strength according to your goals, could this be simply prevent pain or achieve your PB in your sport.
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What we offer

As an experienced personal trainer and nutritionist Izzy will provide you with an individualised coaching to help you reach your goals. Her services place a great emphasis on helping you build robust healthy lifestyle, exercise and nutrition habits so you can achieve lasting improvements to your health and happiness.
Most sessions will involve a combination of weight bearing and cardio exercise.
If your goal is fat loss, nutrition coaching will play a considerable role in helping you achieve your dream shape.
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Your coach

Izzy completed a master’s degree in nutrition because she found nutrition to be one of the biggest obstacles her clients faced when pursuing a healthy lifestyle. She wanted to put herself in the best position to help them.
Izzy is most passionate about working with women because of the complex nature of the female body and the unique obstacles to getting healthier, fitter and stronger, more commonly faced by women. She has experience working with women with hypermobility, autoimmune conditions such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis and women navigating changes to their bodies during menopause.
Services include:
  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle Gain
  • Strength Training
  • Endurance Training
  • Nutrition coaching
  • Lifestyle coaching
  • Management of perimenopause problems
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