3rd January 2016Physiotherapy & Barre at Swissphysio
Did this ever happen to you?
Just because you are a physiotherapist, or for that matter in the health business, people think you are indestructible. I was limping around on crutches after knee surgery and my patients looked at first surprised and then felt compelled to make jokes like…” If you need a physio I know a very good one”.
Obviously as a physio I was able to take care of my own rehab and of course I thought that I could heal even better and faster than my patients. So I started by brushing my teeth standing on a wobble cushion, squatting secretly while massaging patients as well as going rigorously to the gym. Never the less I realised that I, being human, was training what I was good at and avoiding the more tedious tasks. The result, good proprioception, good mobility and stability, pretty strong legs but poor strength endurance. I never liked to push myself in tedious repetitions of exercises let alone burning muscles. Do you?
My “salvation” came from the “Iron Lady” of my team, our yoga teacher, the sweet, bendy and so strong Rachel Walsh. Rachel has become an instructor for BarreConcept classes and in my opinion these classes are the best work out for strength rehabilitation after lower limb injury/surgery.
During a Barre class I always manage to push myself to the limit and even have a good laugh when my legs start to shake. I feel great afterwards and no need to say, stronger.
So what are Barre classes?
Barre is a workout routine that combines elements of ballet, pilates and yoga into an efficient and effective workout. It uses your own bodyweight as resistance whilst challenging your core stability and balance, reinforcing your strength and muscle tone.
The absence of impact exercises and the careful and experienced controlling eye of the instructor, to avoid misaligned movements, make this class a very effective and enjoyable addition to the rehabilitation of lower limbs problems.
At Swissphysio the patient is first assessed by the physiotherapist, who then designs a treatment program. When the therapist deems it the right time, the Barre training can be started with our fully qualified instructor. In my case, Rachel who has been trained by me on how to recognise potentially harmful movements and positions and she is aware of the actual patient’s condition. A successful team working for the clients to return to fitness.
Physiotherapy & Barre
What to expect in a class
Barre studios are typically designed like regular dance studios with large open spaces and mirrors surrounding the room. Similar to pilates and yoga classes, shoes are not worn in barre classes. Students are either barefoot or wear ballet shoes or grippy socks. Most classes are generally just an hour long and will include a 5-10 minute warm-up, followed by 30 – 35 minutes spent at the barre working on the legs, bottom & upper body, this can include the use of props, to either give additional support, increase resistance, strength or balance. This is followed by a 10-minute abdominal section and a final stretch and cool down.
Want to get fit? Want to know more?
Contact, tel 0191 296 0567 or , 07789 348 952
Published on: 3rd January 2016